
I Founded a Secret Society and It Saved My Life by Lena Scholman

We meet on Wednesdays. There are only women. When we laugh, sometimes we cackle and then we cover our mouths in embarrassment, or more often, delight.

I delight in these women. They are my mothers and sisters and our secret handshakes give us the inner strength to carry on doing our covert activities week after week. 

What covert activities you may ask? On the surface, if you were to walk by our table in the coffee shop, you might think we were friends catching up. And we are becoming friends but the purpose of our gathering is writing. Each week we bring drafts of our memoirs-in-progress, our baby-novels and our dreams and carefully, we lay them on the table for scrutiny and encouragement.

We are the L.A.K.S. The Loving Ass-Kicking Society.

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