valentine's Day

Frozen, Burned & Toothless: Tales from the Valentine's Front-lines by Lena Scholman

It was five o’clock in the afternoon and he’d been awake for fourteen hours, moving non-stop to get the orders out. It was our second year in business and we’d long ago run out of start-up money, investor’s money and any other kind of money we could scrounge together for the dream of running our own business. He took off his sweaty tuque (it was cold in the warehouse), rubbed his head in exhaustion, and walked over to the playpen where our five month-old daughter had been seconded for hours in a pale pink snowsuit. Gently picking her up, he snuggled her close and accepted a bowl of his mother’s homemade cheesy-bean soup. We’d done it! Valentine’s Day 2008 was soon to be a wrap and we could sit back and celebrate. Until the phone rang. 

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